“What can I do for you?” Discount Girl wants to know amongst other things.
That would be Betsy Talon of Maui Staging Group talking, who after 25 years of merchandising here on Maui has built a successful word-of-mouth staging and container-storage retail Continue Reading...

When you speak with Maggie Coulombe – Maui’s Leader in Fashion Forward Couture -- you will find that she is as versatile, imaginative, and free flowing as the outfits she designs. Her ideas are limitless. And, because she has been unafraid thus far in her career to push any boundary, the successes continue to mount.
These days she is looking ahead Continue Reading...

Is there any better way to end a gorgeous day on Maui then to watch the sun slip below the sea and witness its mango-red blush spread across the sky? It’s doubtful, unless you also manage to catch twilight’s last wink in the sparkle of its infamous green flash.
Either way, one thing we know from living here is that sunsets as extraordinary as ours are often reason enough to have a luscious cocktail in hand. It’s only too bad we can’t Continue Reading...

There's something truly special about the Polynesian skirt worn for hula dancing and it's more than just the swish and sway of it. There are many different and distinct kinds, says professional costume designer, Joey Kehaunani Dang, and the one we all know and love is the original grass skirt that in Hawaii is called a Hau, while in Tahiti, a More'. The Hau skirt is made by hand from the shredded bark of the hibiscus tree that has been soaked in the ocean for up to four weeks to achieve a desired suppleness. This softer, shredded bark is then dried and strung for wear. Continue Reading...

DVD now for sale at GetAJobMovie.com!!
Purely 100% Maui made and 100% Maui humor, GET A JOB provided employment for everyone and everybody from Maui County...well, except you know who and a few other friends. But no problem, brah, because this film is really about making you laugh at yourself and everyone in it.
Local "Barefoot Natives" musician, Eric Gilliom, is Merton -- a character remeniscent of Jerry Lewis, Don Knotts and Buster Keats all rolled into one -- and performing opposite is real-life musical partner Uncle Willie K as William, who takes his job seriously (and we do mean that literally).
Written and directed by first time filmmaker, Brian Kohne, we can only hope it comes to Netflix, Blockbuster and DVD soon so that we can watch it with all our friends who come to visit us on Maui.

What started as a rum-making hobby in 2003 for Jim "Kimo" Sargent and his wife, Leslie, has matured into an award-winning enterprise today.
According to Manager, Brian Sato, the first major leap happened when Jim realized he could make money on his rum and decided to go full steam. The second leap happened in 2010 when Haleakala Distillers doubled the production and sales of its Maui Dark Rum after a major, mainland restaurant began adding it to their pre-made Mai Tai mix. Continue Reading...